HEBE INT’L 赫铂国际品牌介绍

HEBE INT’L 赫铂国际株式会社是韩国科思达上市集团公司持股,美业界巨头战略联盟,集合院线** 化妆品,尖端医疗器械研发输出, 为顾客提供优质肌肤管理的专业全球战略连锁品牌。在韩国多年以来,集合全球院线**化妆品,尖端医疗美容器械研发输出,拥有韩国**教育输出团队。 HEBE INT’L 赫铂国际是韩国美容业代表性的美容机构;

HEBE INT'L is a listed company of Korea Exchange, a strategic alliance of Aesthetic industry giants, a collection of top cosmetics, cutting-edge medical equipment R&D output, and a professional global strategic chain brand that provides customers with high-quality skin care.

HEBE International Co., Ltd. was established in 2016 in Gangnam, Seoul. For many years in Korea,it has a first.class education professional team in Korea. HEBE INT’L is a representative beauty institution in the Korean beauty industry;


HEBE赫铂,是古希腊神话中宙斯和赫拉的女儿,负责司掌青春的女神,永保青春活力并永无倦意,是个永远的青春女神。我们的品牌 (HEBE INT’L赫铂国际)起源于此,并致力于将这寓意着青春、美丽的事业进行到底,完美呈现,永葆青春的象征。

HEBE is the daughter of Zeus and Hera in ancient Greek mythology. She is the goddess of youth who is in charge of youth. She is always youthful and never tired. She is an eternal youth goddess. Our brand (HEBE International) originated here, and we are committed to carrying out this career that implies youth and beauty to the end, presenting it perfectly, and as a symbol of eternal youth.

HEBE INT’L 赫铂国际在纽约,上海,中国,墨尔本,澳大利亚,吉隆坡,马来西亚和日本东京设有分支机构。 为了打造具有全球竞争力的护肤中心品牌,本着“用心呵护你的美”的理念,致力于通过提供最新有效的方法来帮助客户恢复和增强自信与美丽。HEBE INT’L赫铂国际 专注于从总部到特许经营权的先进管理系统,重视公司的美容服务与文化,教医生的教育背景经验以及治疗师的专业培训,HEBE INT’L赢得了全球100多家商店的信任,以进行持续的合作。

HEBE International has also established branches in New York,U.S.A; Shanghai, China; Melbourne, Australia; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and Tokyo, Japan. In order to create globally competitive skincare center brand, with the concept of “ caring attentively for your beauty”, it specializes in helping clients restore and enhance their confidence and beauty by providing the latest and effective treatments. HEBE focuses on the advanced management system from the headquarter to franchises, valuing the company’s wide range of beauty services and culture, education background and experiences of doctors and professional training of therapists, HEBE has won the trust of more than 100 stores worldwide for consistent cooperation.

2019年,HEBE INT’L赫铂国际与创创集团携手在上海建立了HEBE INT'L赫铂国际(中国)品牌运营中心,以加深品牌教育,企业战略管理,美学产品和程序方面的知识 ,与美容相关的产业生态为本地和全球合作提供全方位的信息平台。

In 2019, HEBE International join hands with ChuangChuang Group, established the HEBE International (China) brand operation center in Shanghai for deepening the knowledge in terms of brand education, business strategic management, aesthetic products, procedures, the beauty-related industry ecology to provide a full range of informative platform for local and global cooperation.

HEBE International赫铂国际在全球120多个城市设有100多个分支机构和培训中心,为数以万计的客户提供服务。 HEBE International赫铂国际致力于提供满足最高标准的**美容护理方面的新发展,并以个人关注为重点,满足独特需求,并帮助客户实现他们一直在寻找的美丽。

HEBE INT’L赫铂国际的目标是在三年内将分支机构的数量增加到5000家。我们决心创建全球链,励志打造为客户提供专业的皮肤管理的全球连锁品牌。

HEBE International has more than 100 branches and training centers serve tens of thousands customers, covering more than 120 cities around the world. HEBE International is committed to providing new advances that meets the highest standards of excellence and focusing on people’s unique needs with personal attention, and help customers achieve the beauty they have been always looking for. HEBE INT‘L aims to expand the number of branch locations to 5000 in three years. We are determined to create a global chain that provide customers with professional skin management.


HEBE International Founder: Zhao Chao


HEBE INT’L赫铂国际发展历程

2014年 设立赫铂国际美业培训,开设半**培训公司;

In 2014, the beauty training and a semi-permanent aesthetic training academy was established;

2015年 开设赫铂国际皮肤管理教育学院;  

In 2015, the HEBE INT’L Skin Care School was opened;

2016年 韩国首尔江南成立HEBE INT’L赫铂国际株式会社;

In 2016, HEBE International, Ltd. was established in Gangnam,Seoul, South Korea;

2017年HEBE INT’L赫铂国际全球战略连锁网点突破30家,同年在马来西亚及中国西南区成立品牌分公司;

In 2017, HEBE International's global branches exceeded 30, and HEBE subsidiaries were established in Malaysia and Southwest China;

HEBE INTL赫铂国际承办 2017 马来西亚 K-BEAUTY OLYMPIC 全球美业大赛 HEBE INT’L赫铂国际创始人赵超致开幕词

HEBE INTL hosted the 2017 Malaysia K-BEAUTY OLYMPIC Global Beauty Competition, Zhao Chao, founder of HEBE International, delivered the opening speech.

HEBE INTL赫铂国际 承办 2018 泰国 K-BEAUTY OLYMPIC 全球美业大赛 HEBE INT’L赫铂国际创始人赵超致开幕词

HEBE INTL hosted the 2018 Thailand K-BEAUTY OLYMPIC Global Beauty Competition, Zhao Chao, founder of HEBE International, delivered the opening speech

2018年 HEBE INT’L赫铂国际全球战略连锁网点突破80家,同年在美国纽约、澳大利亚墨尔本、日本东京成立品牌分公司;

In 2018, HEBE international global franchises expanded to 80. In the same year, the branches were established in New York, Australia, and Tokyo, Japan;

2019年 HEBE INT’L赫铂国际全球战略连锁网点突破100家,同年获创创股份战略投资在上海成立HEBE INT’L赫铂国际(中国)品牌运营中心

In 2019, HEBE International's global strategic chain network exceeded 100. In the same year, it was invested by Chuangchuang to establish the HEBE International (China) brand operation center in Shanghai 

HEBE INT‘L:"3H" philosophy HEBE“3H”皮肤管理的经营哲学  

Humanity 人性化   High Quality   高品质服务   Honesty 真诚

HEBE 皮肤管理教育加盟,不是单纯的向加盟商们买卖商品为目的,而是怀着一颗炽热负责的心所做的一项加盟连锁事业

The HEBE INT'L   is not for the purpose of buying and selling products and services, we devote our sincere heart with lifelong passion and responsibility.

我们的专业人员和员工团队相信,信息广泛的客户可以更好地做出关于自己的健康,美丽和幸福的决定. HEBE与其他品牌不同,它供您个人订制使用,创建了一个覆盖范围广泛的客户库美容主题教育。

Our team of professionals and staff believe that informed clients are better equipped to make decisions regarding their health, beauty and well-being.

HEBE is not like other brands, it is for your personal use, we have created an extensive clients library covering an array of beauty educational topics.


We are honest, only use genuine products,always communicate honestly with clients to solve problems.



  三大优势管理系统 · 整店SI设计

HEBE INT'L Three Advantages in Management System   HEBE INT'L Whole Shop SI Design

国际**产品仪器 · 八大核心赋能体系

HEBE INT'L Top-Level Medical Devices.   HEBE INT'L Eight Core Empowerment Systems


HEBE INT'L Three Advantages Management Systems

皮肤管理 ·头皮管理 ·孕妇产前产后管理

HEBE INT'L Skin Care Center   HEBE INT'L Scalp Management   HEBE INT'L Prenatal and Post-natal Care

HEBE赫铂国际皮肤管理中心 HEBE INT'L Skin Care Centers

HEBE赫铂国际全球区域战略合作伙伴HEBE INT'L strategic partnerships

发送邮件  jason@hebeintl.com
官方微信  zc61971495
电话热线  +1 626-836-1495